Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Colour and design your nails

    Colour and design your nails

    Colour and design your nails
    Colour and design your nails You are invited to a fabulous Pakistani summer party and you have everything ready but wait, you can’t celebrate it without painting your nails. Every Pakistani lady love to invest in new colours and wants to apply the perfect nail polish designs.
    Colour and design your nails You can use gel pens, eyeliner pencils or even normal pencils to make glittery and glow patterns. The best pattern for nail polish design would be a simple diagonal line or stars across the nail, with one side filled with a normal pencil and the other side with a light silver gel pen.
    Colour and design your nails Nail piercing is the latest fashion trend today. There are different kinds of nail jewellery: those, which are glued to the nail, and those, which are fastened to the nail just like an earring. Both of them look really good, but if you prefer real nail jewellery, then go for nail piercing fashion trend.

    Here are some nail polish designs tips to follow:
    Colour and design your nails First of all apply nail polish design that suits your Pakistani dress. Before you experiment with colours make sure that first coat is dry. Nowadays red, silver, metallic greys are the top fashion trends over black. Even opaque shades with pearl-like attributes look cool over black. You can go for pastel colour designs also.
    Colour and design your nails This nail polish design tip suggests that you get beautiful and most basic design on your fingertip. Choose your favourite colour and place a single dot or line on a nail. You can create floral pattern or play with dots also.
    Colour and design your nailsAccording to this nail polish design tip, use band-aid for creating nail patterns. Cut a band-aid into patterns and stick it on top of a dry coat of colour polish. Apply another colour over the previous coat and the band-aid. Peel of the band-aid after it is dry. For an interesting fashion trend, brush a metallic eye shadow over slightly wet polish and cover it with a clear coat after it is dry.

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Colour and design your nails

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